Apply to be a CSC Service Course Teaching Assistant

Each semester, undergraduate students are needed in at least one of the following courses: CSC 110 (CSC Principles), CSC 111 (Python), CSC 113 (Matlab), CSC 116 (Java), CSC 216 (Prog Concepts), or E 115 (Intro Computing Environments). 

These courses educate new students to the technological workings of NC State University and the College of Engineering as well as introduce valuable resources that will make a student’s experience here at NC State easier and more productive, as well as teaching valuable introductions to programming languages. We are hiring excited and talented individuals to assist in these courses. Expectations and requirements are outlined below.

Requirements to be an CSC Lab Instructor or Teaching Assistant

  • Currently enrolled NCSU student and will be enrolled as a student for the target teaching semester
  • 2.5 or greater overall GPA
  • If less than a 2.5 GPA, then the student should have previous experience and show GPA improvement and progress toward degree
  • received a S or CR in E 115
  • received a B+ or higher in the course they wish to be a TA, or anticipate receving a B+ or higher if currently in the course.
  • Have no outstanding Academic Integrity violations
  • Applicants must currently be in ‘good academic standing’.
  • Applicants must have completed a semester as a student at NCSU before becoming a Service Level Course TA

Expectations of a CSC 110 Teaching Assistant:

  • Attend the lecture portion of the course each week (3 – 4 hrs/wk)
  • hold in person office hours (1 hr/wk)
  • grade assignments (~ 2 hrs/wk)

Expectations of a CSC 111 or CSC 113 Lab Instructor:

  • co-teach one or two lab sections, each lab is 3 hours long, with another lab instructor (3 – 6 hrs/wk)
  • hold in person office hours (2 hrs/wk)
  • grade assignments (~ 2 hrs/wk)
  • attend a training session before the semester starts 
  • attend weekly meetings (~ 30 min/wk)

Expectations of an E 115 Lab Instructor:

  • hold in person office hours (3-4 hr/wk)
  • grade assignments (~1.5 hrs/wk)
  • attend a training session before the semester starts 
  • attend weekly meetings (~30 min/wk)

Expectations of a CSC 116 Teaching Assistant:

  • be physically present during lectures (~ 2 – 4 hrs/wk)
  • hold in person office hours (2 hrs/wk)
  • grade assignments (~ 2 – 3 hrs/wk)
  • assist the Professor with in lecture needs and monitor student performance
  • attend a training session before the semester starts 

Expectations of a CSC 216/7 Peer Teaching Fellow:

  • run one or two labs each week (2hr/wk per lab)
  • hold in person and/or online office hours (2 hrs/wk)
  • grade assignments (~ 3 – 5 hrs/wk)
  • regularly answer message board posts (~1 to 2 hrs/wk)
  • proctor exams
  • be physically present during lectures at instructor discretion

Do I Get Paid?

Yes you do! Current pay rate begins at $11.00 an hour and increases based on number of semesters of experience.

How Do I Apply?

You can follow the link below to get to the application.

Apply Here