Exam Study Guide

E 115 Final Exam Study Guide

Anything covered in the Online Textbook, supplements and on any assignments is fair game. Make sure that you have at least covered the following key points in each chapter. KNOW means MEMORIZE, know your resources, or know without help from your lab instructor. You can expect the following:

Multiple choice, short answer, essay, matching and multiple response questions AS WELL AS practical questions to be completed via the terminal window and use of a file transfer system.

Make sure all your software is working in case you are asked to use it.

Below are some topics that you should be sure to study.

Campus Resources:

•       Unity Accounts:

o   Resources o Unity IDs vs. Student ID number o Passwords – recommendations vs. requirements

•       Campus E-mail:

o   Fields o Subject lines o Appropriate use o Phishing

•       Campus Printing

•       Moodle Submissions

•       Antivirus Software

•       Computing Ethics

Operating Systems:

•       Kernel

•       User Interfaces

•       Device Drivers

File Systems:

•       File System hierarchy:

o   root, parent, child, leaf

•       NFS File Tree

•       Absolute vs. Relative path names

 Must know your home directory (absolute & relative)

Must know the E 115 course locker (absolute)

•       Accessing NFS o Must know how to login & use Putty (Windows students) o Must know how to ssh in terminal (Mac students) o Must know how to use Filezilla or FTS equivalent

UNIX Commands:

Items below are listed in syntax only. For examples, consult the online textbook. Items in (parentheses) or [brackets] are optional, but may be required in some specific cases. Basic syntax is as follows:

                 eos% command      -options      argument_1       argument_2

Where eos% is the prompt and not part of the command, denotes a space and ALL files/commands are case sensitive.

•       Useful tricks:

o Chaining: use of a semicolon to execute several commands in one line

■           command1 ; command2 o Time savers: up/down arrows, TAB key

•       Creating a log file o script (-options) logfile-name.txt

o Options are a (to append an old log file) f (to record in real time)

•       Manual command: more information about commands o man command

•       Where am I? pwd will print the absolute pathname of the current working directory

o pwd

•       Moving directories o cd pathnameofwhereyouwanttogo

•       Listing the contents of a directory o ls (-options) directoryyouwantcontentsof

o Options are l (lowercase L, for long format) or a (all files)

•       Making a directory o mkdir directory-name

•       Copying files o cp (-options) file-Location file-Destination

 o Options are r (when copying an entire directory)

•       Moving or renaming files o mv (-options) file-Location file-Destination o Options are r (when copying an entire directory) o You can only move a file from a directory you have permissions to

•       Getting rid of files or folders o rm (-options) file OR DirectoryName

o   Options are r (only when removing an entire directory) or f (force system to delete without verification)


  • understand what version control is, and why it is useful.


You are required to use only functions as described in the E 115 Online Textbook. You may be asked to complete a partially filled out spreadsheet using formulas, functions, or conditional logic where indicated. You may also be required to format data and create a graph from scratch. You will be asked multiple choice, matching, multiple answer, True/False and essay questions on Chapter 6 material. MS Excel 2007 or higher is REQUIRED.

•       Formatting Data

•       How to use Autofill o How to use with cell referencing

o How to use with formulas, functions and conditional logic

•       Formulas & Operators

•       Functions

•       Conditional logic o Simple and Nested IFs o AND/OR statements o SUMIF/COUNTIF logic

•       Graphing

HTML, CSS & Styling:

You may be required to create or edit a small web page. You will be expected to use only tags and attributes that are discussed in the E 115 Online Textbook. You will not be required to make this page visible, but your code should be neat and valid according to the standards taught during E 115 lectures.

You will be given any necessary images and are NOT required to memorize the Bare Minimums and CSS link tag

You WILL need to memorize the information in the following section and may be asked to use with an approved text editor. You will need to be able to answer multiple choice, matching, multiple answer, True/False and essay questions on Chapter 7 and 8 material.

• Text tags o p o headers o br o  hr

Image tags o Required attributes only (src and alt)

Link tags o Text link o Picture link o E-mail link using mailto syntax

List tags o Ordered lists o Unordered lists o List items

Table tags o How to build a table

o  Table row o Table header o Table data

Formatting tags o strong

o  em

o  ins

osup osub odel

•       In line styling (using the style attribute and the property chart) o style=”element:value; element:value ; etc…”

o   Make sure to memorize commonly used elements and values from the property chart

•       Hex color codes o The make-up of basic hex color codes (#rrggbb)

•       The different ways to change font size or the dimensions of an item

o   px o em o %

•       The style elements in the Property Chart table in the E 115 Online Textbook that have been used in previous assignments

•       How to use CSS Selectors and the difference between the three o Type o ID o Class

Networking and Hardware

o Client vs Server and P2P

o Networking protocols and network topics in textbook


o Binary conversions

o All chapters in Hardware topic