Git and GitHub

GitHub is a platform that allows collaborative project management using version control.

Throughout this chapter, you will explore how GitHub supports version control and project management, which is essential for. academic collaboration. Git and GitHub are very powerful, and we will not explore all the tools in detail. Instead, we’ll learn enough to be able to create our own repository for a webpage and manage versions of it.

NC State gives you access to GitHub Enterprise: This is different from, which you can use for your personal GitHub needs (but NOT what we use in this class). Most NC State classes where you use GitHub will use the Enterprise version. Some classes may have you use the general GitHub page and set up an account there.

Learning Outcomes

Use campus computing services

Create and design basic web pages

Chapter Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the purpose and benefits of version control systems.
  2. Create a GitHub account and set up a repository.
  3. Create a GitHub Pages site from a repository.
  4. Explain the folder structure and requirements for GitHub Pages.
  5. Deploy a static website using GitHub Pages.

What happens to my GitHub @ NCSU data/account when I graduate?

Soon after graduation from NC State, your unity account will no longer be able to log into NC State GitHub. If you are a student collaborating with a faculty member that will need access to your repositories after you graduate, it is important to make arrangements so that the faculty member has access before you leave.  The suggested approach for transferring GitHub repo ownership (CSC-related) to a faculty is create a GitHub organization of the form ENGR-CSC-XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is something representative/meaningful of your GitHub repos) and make the faculty the organization owner. Since repositories are owned by the organization rather than a user account, the repository and all access controls are retained even when people leave the university. We recommend using an organization for any repository that impacts more than a single person.  

For all other personal repositories, it is strongly recommended you archive those before your access to NC State GitHub is disabled. For more information about GiHub best practices, policies, and FAQs please visit: