Software and IT Support


The College of Engineering has various software applications available for download at It is important to read all of the download instructions, especially when it comes to which version is supported.


There are multiple versions of Solidworks. Students installing on their personal computers should download the Student version using the detailed instructions on this page. IT reports that if you try to download any other version it can cause you to be unable to uninstall them completely, and then be unable to install the correct version.  

MATLAB, Python, and Fortran

For students wishing to program in any of these languages, software and compilers are available.


Fusion 360, AutoCAD, and other design software may be available for download.

IT Support

For engineering software like this, students can contact:

ITECS Service Desk



Phone: (919) 515-2458

Students should plan to make an appointment even though there are walk-in centers, this way IT can be sure they have someone to support you when you need it.