Accessing NFS
The interface you use to connect to and manipulate your data in NFS is dependent on the operating system of your machine.
Windows Access
To access NFS from Windows 8 or 10, you must first download an application called PuTTy. PuTTy is available via the E 115 “Links and Downloads” page:
- Download both the application and the automatic configuration file.
- Run the automatic configuration file.
- When prompted choose yes or ok.
- Now simply double click on the putty.exe icon.
- Choose the Linux session, click load, and then click open.
Make sure you are using the host name:
if it is not automatically loaded for you. Alternatively, you can try
If you have connected with this domain before and get an error saying “Warning – Potential Security Breach,” there is not an issue, just hit “OK”. This issue stems from a server upgrade that changed the host key that is stored in PuTTy.
Common errors and their fixes associated with PuTTy are located here. Items such as “system reboot pending” are common and have an easy fix.
Mac Access
To access NFS from a Mac you must first start up your terminal application. Terminal is found by going to the Finder window and choosing Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal (or Spotlight, search for Terminal).
Once the window appears, simply type in the following:
ssh -X
Please be sure to include your Unity ID and note that the -X is not always needed.
If you have connected to this domain before and get “WARNING:
REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!”, you must run the following command and try again:
ssh-keygen -R
Linux Access
To access NFS from Linux you must perform some configuration. Start by having an xterm window open.
Type in the following:
ssh -X
Please be sure to include your Unity ID and note that the -X is not always needed.